This 16cm anime action figure features Ken Kaneki in his awakened form from the popular series Tokyo Ghoul. Created by Medicos, this highly detailed and articulated figure captures Kaneki's intense and menacing appearance. The figure comes with interchangeable hands and facial expressions, allowing you to recreate your favorite scenes from the anime. Made from high-quality materials, this collectible is a must-have for any Tokyo Ghoul fan and is perfect for displaying on a shelf or desk. Add this Medicos Ken Kaneki (Awakened) figure to your collection today and bring the world of Tokyo Ghoul to life in your own home.
Tokyo Ghoul - Medicos Ken Kaneki (Awakened) 16cm Anime Action Figure
6.25 inches (15.87cm)
- Ken Kaneki figure
- Alternate head
- Kagune
- Figure stand