Fans of the hit anime series Attack on Titan will love this highly detailed and intricately crafted Levi Ackerman’s Last Salute GK (Garage Kit) anime figure from Chikara Studios. Standing at 10 inches tall, this figure captures Levi in his iconic salute pose, ready to take on any titan threat. The attention to detail in the sculpting and painting of this figure truly brings Levi to life, making it a must-have for any collector or fan of the series. Made from high-quality materials, this figure is durable and sturdy, making it perfect for display on any shelf or desk. Add this stunning Levi Ackerman figure to your collection today and showcase your love for Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan - Chikara Studios Levi Ackerman’s Last Salute GK Anime Figure
Standard Ver.:H20 * W27 * D28cm Estimated
Deluxe Ver.:H26 * W27 * D32cm Estimated
Deluxe Plus Ver.:H26 * W27 * D32cm Estimated
- Figure
- Box
Resin + PU + ABS